Hi, sobat!
Pernahkah kalian merasa bingung untuk
menggunakan vocabulary yang tepat ketika belajar berbicara atau menulis dalam
bahasa Inggris? Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat beberapa aturan penggunaan
beberapa kata dalam membentuk sebuah frasa atau kalimat. Hal ini dikarenakan
kata-kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama; namun, memiliki fungsi dan
penggunaan yang berbeda dalam sebuah kalimat. Sementara itu, kita juga dapat
menemukan beberapa kata memiliki bentuk dan bunyi yang sama, tetapi kata-kata
tersebut memiliki makna yang berbeda. Hal ini seringkali disebut dengan
“Minimal Pairs”.
Pengguanaan sebuah kata dalam kalimat tidak
hanya mempertimbangkan arti kata itu sendiri, tertapi juga perlu memperhatikan
gramatika dan konteks kalimat sehingga nantinya kalimat tersebut tidak menjadi
rancu dan ambigu. Oleh karena, itu penting bagi kita, tetutama pelajar EFL,
mempelajari beberapa fungsi dan penggunaan kata-kata berikut dalam kalimat baik
secara tertulis atau lisan sehingga nantinya dapat menyusun kalimat yang padu
dan benar dalam bahasa Inggris.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan
membahas “Words Often Confused Part 1”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!
Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kata yang
seringkali salah digunakan (membingungkan) dalam sebuah kalimat:
1. Accept/Except
Accept merupakan verb yang berarti memberi jawaban positif “to
give a positive answer” atau menerima “to receive.” Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!
- Susan accepted his offer of a job. (gave a positive answer)
- The club accepted three new members. (received)
Except sebagai verb berarti tidak menyertakan “to exclude” atau
mengeluarkan “to keep out.” Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!
The boys excepted John from their club. (They did not accept him.)
Except lebih umum digunakan sebagai
preposition, yang berarti kecuali “with the exception of.” Perhatikan contoh berikut ini!
Everybody except Jane went to the party. (Jane was not a member of
the group that went to the party.)
Baca Juga:
2. Advice/Advise
Advise merupakan verb. Contoh: The doctor advised her
to quit smoking.
Advice merupakan noun. Contoh: He gave me
some good advice.
Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Noun
3. All Ready/Already
All ready merupakan adjective phrase yang berarti sepenuhnya siap
“completely ready.” Contoh: We were all ready to leave at eight o’clock.
Already merupakan adverb of time yang berarti sebelum “by or
before a specific time.” Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini!
- They had already left at five o’clock. (by five o’clock)
- He had already eaten when I arrived. (before I arrived)
Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Adverb
4. Altogether/All Together
Altogether merupakan adverb yang berarti sepenuhnya atau
seluruhnya “completely.” Contoh: I am altogether tired.
All together merupakan adjective phrase yang berarti bersama atau
dalam sebuah kelompok “in a group.” Contoh: The children are all together now
and ready to go to the park.
5. Beside/Besides
Besides merupakan preposition yang berarti kecuali “except.” Contoh:
Everyone besides John went to the party.
Beside merupakan preposition yang berarti selanjutnya atau di
samping “next to.” Contoh: John was standing beside me. (NOT: besides me)
6. Cloth/Clothes
Cloth merupakan noun (biasanya digunakan sebagai non-count noun) yang berarti bahan atau kain “material or fabric.” Contoh: She bought
some white cloth to make a wedding dress.
Clothes merupakan plural count noun yang berarti pakaian yang
digunakan untuk menutupi tubuh “garments used to cover the body.” Perhatikan
beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini!
- She bought a lot of clothes when she was in Paris.
- Beautiful clothes are usually expensive.
Baca Juga: Countable Vs Uncountable Noun
7. Desert/Dessert
Desert merupakan area tanah kering yang ada di dunia dengan sedikit vegetasi “a
dry area of the world with little vegetation.” Contoh: A large percentage of
the world’s surface is a desert where very little grows.
Dessert merupakan makanan manis yang biasanya dimakan sebagai
makanan penutup “a sweet food usually
eaten at the end of a meal.” Contoh: We had apple pie and ice cream for dessert.
8. Differ From/Differ With
To differ from merupan tidak serupa atau sama “to be dissimilar.”
Contoh: Men differ physically from women.
To differ with merupakan tidak setuju “to disagree with.” Contoh: I differ with
you on this issue. (I disagree with you.)
9. Emigrate/Immigrate
To emigrate berarti meninggalkan sebuah negara untuk tinggal di
negara lainnya “to leave one country to live in another.” Contoh: In the early
part of this century many people emigrated from Europe. They went to live in the United
To immigrate berarti pindah ke sebuah negara baru “to move to a new
country.” Contoh: In the early part of this century many people from Europe immigrated to
the United States.
10. Farther/Further
Farther berarti
ke atau pada titik ruang yang lebih jauh “to or at a more distant point in space.”
(actual distance) We have to drive a few miles farther.
Further berarti ke atau pada titik yang lebih jauh dalam waktu,
derajat, atau kuantitas “to or at a more distant point in time, degree, or
quantity.” (figurative distance) Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut
- Let us consider this problem further. (time)
- We should do further research on this matter. (quantity)
- Be careful not to excite the children further. (degree)
Error Examples
Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan
kata dalam pada kalimat terkait “word often confused part 1”; serta,
John did not except my invitation to the party. |
John did not accept my invitation to the party. |
You will find your umbrella besides the
table. |
You will find your umbrella beside the
table. |
Please advice him that he must hurry. |
Please advise him that he must hurry. |
Susan gave Paul some excellent advise. |
Susan gave Paul some excellent advice. |
Please ask the students not to stand altogether in
the hall. |
Please ask the students not to stand all together
in the hall. |
I am all together disgusted with his behavior. |
I am altogether disgusted with his behavior. |
Has John really finished his homework all ready? |
Has John really finished his homework already? |
Dinner is already to be served. |
Dinner is all ready to be served. |
Mary bought new cloth to
wear to the party. |
Mary bought new clothes to
wear to the party. |
Be careful to take lots of water when you
cross the dessert. |
Be careful to take lots of water when you
cross the desert. |
Would you like a piece of cake for desert? |
Would you like a piece of cake for dessert? |
New York differs with Washington, D.C. |
New York differs from Washington, D.C. |
When discussing politics, Bob frequently differs from
his father. |
When discussing politics, Bob frequently differs with
his father. |
During times of economic hardship, people
may have to immigrate from their native land. |
During times of economic hardship, people
may have to emigrate from their native land. |
I believe Martha’s house is further down
the road. |
I believe Martha’s house is farther down
the road. |
Do you feel it is necessary to think
about this matter farther? |
Do you feel it is necessary to think
about this matter further? |
Skill Builder 6: Words Often Confused Part 1
Directions: There is an error in word
choice at some of the sentences below. Decide whether the sentence is correct
(C) or incorrect (I).
(___) 1. He has all ready spent next
month’s allowance.
(___) 2. Mary looked all day for clothes
suitable to cover the worn pillows.
(___) 3. Will John take his doctor’s
(___) 4. In a surprise vote the board
excepted John from membership.
(___) 5. Can you get everybody altogether
for the meeting in ten minutes?
(___) 6. Helen enjoys wearing the clothes
she designs.
(___) 7. The two political candidates
certainly differed loudly from one another.
(___) 8. One reason people will emigrate
from their country is to escape political persecution.
(___) 9. Did you look besides the sofa for
your book?
(___) 10. Do not try to drive further
(___) 11. Will you accept my apologies?
(___) 12. Why did so many people immigrate
from Uruguay to go to Australia?
(___) 13. I was surprised at the advise he
gave me.
(___) 14. Steve differs with his father in
physical appearance.
(___) 15. Let me give you some farther
Key Answer
Incorrect 2.
Incorrect 3.
Correct 4.
Correct 5.
Incorrect |
Correct 7.
Incorrect 8.
Correct 9.
Incorrect 10. Incorrect |
11. Correct 12. Incorrect 13. Incorrect 14. Incorrect 15. Incorrect |
Its Correction
1. He has already spent next month’s allowance.
2. Mary looked all day for cloth suitable
to cover the worn pillows.
3. Will John take his doctor’s advice?
4. In a surprise vote the board excepted
John from membership.
5. Can you get everybody all together for
the meeting in ten minutes?
6. Helen enjoys wearing the clothes she
7. The two political candidates certainly differed loudly
with one
8. One reason people will emigrate from
their country is to escape political persecution.
9. Did you look beside the sofa for your book?
10. Do not try to drive farther today.
11. Will you accept my apologies?
12. Why did so many people emmigrate from
Uruguay to go to Australia?
13. I was surprised at the advice he
gave me.
14. Steve differs from his father in physical appearance.
15. Let me give you some further instruction.
Next to
>>> Style: Word Often Confused Part 2
Peterson`s (www.petersons.com).
(2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
Demikian tadi
sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Word Often Confused
Part 1”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam
mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan
mengikuti tes TOEFL.
mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan
konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan
inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan
berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊
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