Word Often Confused Part 2_TOEFL "Style" Part 7 Writing Skill


    Gambar 1. Word Often Confused (Kata Yang Sering Membingungkan) TOEFL Writing Skill

    Hi, sobat!

    Pernahkah kalian merasa bingung untuk menggunakan vocabulary yang tepat ketika belajar berbicara atau menulis dalam bahasa Inggris? Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat beberapa aturan penggunaan beberapa kata dalam membentuk sebuah frasa atau kalimat. Hal ini dikarenakan kata-kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama; namun, memiliki fungsi dan penggunaan yang berbeda dalam sebuah kalimat. Sementara itu, kita juga dapat menemukan beberapa kata memiliki bentuk dan bunyi yang sama, tetapi kata-kata tersebut memiliki makna yang berbeda. Hal ini seringkali disebut dengan “Minimal Pairs”.

    Pengguanaan sebuah kata dalam kalimat tidak hanya mempertimbangkan arti kata itu sendiri, tertapi juga perlu memperhatikan gramatika dan konteks kalimat sehingga nantinya kalimat tersebut tidak menjadi rancu dan ambigu. Oleh karena, itu penting bagi kita, tetutama pelajar EFL, mempelajari beberapa fungsi dan penggunaan kata-kata berikut dalam kalimat baik secara tertulis atau lisan sehingga nantinya dapat menyusun kalimat yang padu dan benar dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Words Often Confused Part 2”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!



    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kata yang seringkali salah digunakan (membingungkan) dalam sebuah kalimat:

    1. Formally/Formerly

    Formally berarti secara resmi atau formal “in a formal way.” Contoh: The meeting was conducted very formally.

    Formerly berarti sebelumnya “previously,” atau lebih awal  “at an earlier time.” Contoh: June was formerly a member of that club.


    2. Healthful/Healthy

    Healthful berarti baik untuk kesehatan seseorang “good for one’s health.” Contoh: Vegetables are healthful foods.

    Healthy berarti dalam kondisi yang baik atau sehat “in a good condition of health.” Contoh: All of his children are healthy.


    3. Illusion/Allusion

    Illusion merupakan pemikiran yang salah “a false idea” atau gambar yang tidak nyata “unreal image.” Contoh: The magician created the illusion that he was flying through the air.

    Allusion merupakann rujukan tidak langsung “an indirect reference.” Contoh: The professor made an allusion to Greek mythology.


    4. Imply/Infer

    To imply merupakan menyarankan tanpa menyatakannya secara langsung “to suggest without stating directly.” Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    • Only the speaker or writer can imply.
    • Susan implied that she was not happy with her job.


    To infer merupakan membuat sebuah kesimpulan berdasarkan bukti yang tidak langsung dinyatakan “to make a conclusion based on evidence not directly stated.” Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    • Only the listener or reader can infer.
    • I inferred from her letter that Susan was not happy with her job.


    5. Its/It’s

    Its merupakan singular possessive pronoun untuk benda. Contoh: The tree lost its leaves when the weather turned cold.

    It’s merupakan contraction untuk “it is”. Contoh: It’s a nice day today. (It is a nice day today.)


    Baca Juga:

    Part of Speech: Pronoun

    Contraction in English


    6. Leave/Let

    To leave berarti pergi dari “to go away from.” Contoh: He leaves school at three o’clock every day.

    To let berarti membolehkan “to permit.” Contoh: John let me borrow his car.


    7. Loose/Lose

    Loose merupakan adjective yang berarti tidak ketat “not tight.” Contoh: This blouse is too loose. I need a smaller size.

    To lose merupakan verb yang berarti tertinggal di belakang secara kebetulan “to leave behind by accident” atau secara tidak berakhir atau berhenti “to unintentionally cease having.” Contoh: I often lose my car keys.


    Baca Juga:

    Part of Speech: Adjective

    Part of Speech: Verb


    8. Most/Almost

    Most merupakan adjective dalam superlative form dari “many”, berarti jumlah yang sangat besar “the largest number.” Contoh: Most people like ice cream.

    Most juga merupakan superlative form dari “much”, berarti jumlah yang sangat besar “the largest amount.” Contoh: Most coffee comes from Brazil.

    Almost merupakan adverb yang berarti sedikit kurang “slightly less than,” tidak cukup “not quite,” atau hampir “very nearly.” Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    • Almost all the students are here.
    • He is almost ready to leave.
    • He almost won the race.


    Baca Juga:

    Part of Speech: Adverb

    Degree of Comparison: Positive, Comparative, & Superlative Degree


    9. Plane/Plain

    Plane merupakan noun yang seringkali diartikan sebagai pesawat “airplane.” Contoh: His plane will arrive in Chicago at nine o’clock.

    Plain merupakan adjective yang berarti sederhana “simple,” tidak mewah “not fancy,” atau tanpa hiasan “undecorated.” Contoh: Her dress was very plain.


    Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Noun


    10. Principal/Principle

    Principal merupakan adjective yang berarti kepala “chief” atau sangat penting “very important.” Contoh: The principal reason for his failure was his lack of interest in his job.

    Principal merupakan adjective yang berarti pimpinan resmi “chief official.” Contoh: He wants to talk to the principal of the school.

    Principle merupakan noun yang berarti kebenaran yang mendasar “fundamental truth.” Contoh: He is studying the principles of accounting.


    11. Quiet/Quite

    Quiet merupakan adjective yang berarti tidak gaduh atau tenang “not noisy.” Contoh: It was a very quiet party.

    Quite merupakan adverb yang berarti sepenuhnya “completely” atau kepada suatu tingkat “to a degree.” Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    • He is quite nervous today.
    • He is quite tall.


    Error Examples

    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan kata dalam pada kalimat terkait “word often confused part 2”; serta, pembenarannya!




    He spoke formerly and eloquently on that serious subject.

    He spoke formally and eloquently on that serious subject.

    John was formally a member of that club, but he resigned.

    John was formerly a member of that club, but he resigned.

    Fruit is a very healthy food.

    Fruit is a very healthful food.

    The politician made a clever illusion to the political problems his chief rival was having.

    The politician made a clever allusion to the political problems his chief rival was having.

    Mary never said it directly, but she inferred that she did not like me.

    Mary never said it directly, but she implied that she did not like me.

    Would you please leave me do this job by myself.

    Would you please let me do this job by myself.

    Linda cannot wear this belt because it is too lose.

    Linda cannot wear this belt because it is too loose.

    Did you loose your watch?

    Did you lose your watch?

    Most everybody who is supposed to come is here already.

    Almost everybody who is supposed to come is here already.

    Which plain are you taking to New York?

    Which plane are you taking to New York?

    The principle of my daughter’s school was educated in Europe.

    The principal of my daughter’s school was educated in Europe.

    We spent a quite evening at home together.

    We spent a quiet evening at home together.

    The ship lost it’s way from Florida to Bimini

    The ship lost its way from Florida to Bimini.


    Skill Builder 7: Words Often Confused Part 2

    Directions: There is an error in word choice at some of the sentences below. Decide whether the sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).

    (___) 1. Do you think that its difficult to learn a foreign language?

    (___) 2. The modern art piece they chose was plain but bold.

    (___) 3. The principle fact I would like you to remember concerns the human personality.

    (___) 4. Are you quite sure you wish to spend that much for one chair?

    (___) 5. His wife was formerly married to the Spanish Ambassador.

    (___) 6. Her parents are quite old, but relatively healthful.

    (___) 7. The young actress was able to create the allusion that she was middle-aged.

    (___) 8. From reading his letter, I inferred that he was having financial problems.

    (___) 9. He put his keys in his coat pocket so that he would not loose them.

    (___) 10. Can you let the student continue with this course if  he  makes  up  all  missed work?

    (___) 11. Please leave him find out the truth by himself.

    (___) 12. I do not trust that man; he has absolutely no principles.

    (___) 13. I most fell off my seat laughing when I saw the clown chase the bull.

    (___) 14. I think my battery has a loose connection.

    (___) 15. Are you trying to infer that I should study more?


    Key Answer

    1.      Incorrect

    2.      Correct

    3.      Incorrect

    4.      Correct

    5.      Correct

    6.      Incorrect

    7.      Incorrect

    8.      Correct

    9.      Incorrect

    10.  Correct

    11.  Incorrect

    12.  Correct

    13.  Incorrect

    14.  Correct

    15.  Incorrect


    Its Correction

    1. Do you think that it’s difficult to learn a foreign language?

    2. The modern art piece they chose was plain but bold.

    3. The principal fact I would like you to remember concerns the human personality.

    4. Are you quite sure you wish to spend that much for one chair?

    5. His wife was formerly married to the Spanish Ambassador.

    6. Her parents are quite old, but relatively healthy.

    7. The young actress was able to create the illusion that she was middle-aged.

    8. From reading his letter, I inferred that he was having financial problems.

    9. He put his keys in his coat pocket so that he would not lose them.

    10. Can you let the student continue with this course if he makes up all missed work?

    11. Please let him find out the truth by himself.

    12. I do not trust that man; he has absolutely no principles.

    13. I almost fell off my seat laughing when I saw the clown chase the bull.

    14. I think my battery has a loose connection.

    15. Are you trying to imply that I should study more?


    Next to >>> Style: Word Often Confused Part 3



    Peterson`s (www.petersons.com). (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company


    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Word Often Confused Part 2”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.

    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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