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40+ Soal Present Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap |
Hi, sobat!
What is present perfect continuous tense?
Present Perfect Continuous Tense adalah sebuah bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang telah dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga saat bicara, atau baru saja selesai, dengan penekanan pada durasi atau kelanjutan dari tindakan tersebut. Tense ini menyoroti kegiatan yang dimulai di masa lampau, berlanjut hingga sekarang, dan mungkin terus berlanjut di masa depan.
Bentuk dasar dari Present Perfect Continuous Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Subject + has/have + been + verb-ing + (Object)
- "I have been studying." (Saya telah sedang belajar.)
- "They have been working on the project." (Mereka telah sedang bekerja pada proyek tersebut.)
- "She has been teaching English." (Dia telah sedang mengajar bahasa Inggris.)
Di sini, "has" digunakan dengan subjek tunggal yang ketiga (he, she, it), sementara "have" digunakan dengan subjek ganda (I, you, we, they). Kemudian, kita memiliki kata kerja utama dalam bentuk "-ing" (present participle) yang menunjukkan bahwa tindakan tersebut berlangsung dalam periode waktu yang telah ditentukan.
Berikut adalah beberapa penggunaan Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
1. Tindakan yang Dimulai di Masa Lampau dan Masih Berlangsung Sekarang: Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga saat bicara.
- "She has been working at the company for five years." (Dia telah sedang bekerja di perusahaan tersebut selama lima tahun.)
- "I have been studying English since last year." (Saya telah sedang belajar bahasa Inggris sejak tahun lalu.)
2. Tindakan yang Baru Saja Selesai Tetapi Meninggalkan Efek pada Saat Bicara: Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang baru saja selesai, tetapi masih relevan dengan saat bicara karena efek atau dampaknya masih berlangsung.
- "They have been painting the house. That's why they are covered in paint." (Mereka telah sedang mengecat rumah. Itulah mengapa mereka tertutup cat.)
- "I have been running. That's why I am out of breath." (Saya telah sedang berlari. Itulah mengapa saya terengah-engah.)
3. Mengekspresikan Fokus pada Durasi atau Kelanjutan Tindakan: Digunakan untuk menekankan durasi atau kelanjutan dari suatu tindakan, terutama ketika relevan dalam konteks pembicaraan.
- "He has been playing guitar for hours." (Dia telah sedang bermain gitar selama berjam-jam.)
- "She has been practicing yoga every morning." (Dia telah sedang berlatih yoga setiap pagi.)
Present Perfect Continuous Tense membantu untuk mengekspresikan gagasan tentang tindakan yang dimulai di masa lampau, masih berlangsung hingga sekarang, dan mungkin terus berlanjut di masa depan, serta menyoroti durasi atau kelanjutan dari tindakan tersebut.
40+ Soal Present Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang "40+ Soal Perfect Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Present Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Choose the best answer to complete this sentence according to Present Perfect Continuous tense order!
1. Mrs. Evelyn_____ for three hours.
A. has been reading
B. have been reading
C. had been reading
2. They _____ on the project since morning.
A. has been working
B. have been working
C. had been working
3. Mr. Andy _____ for you for a long time.
A. has been waiting
B. have been waiting
C. had been waiting
4. Shinta _____ dinner for her family all evening.
A. has been cooking
B. have been cooking
C. had been cooking
5. We _____ English for the past few months.
A. has been studying
B. have been studying
C. had been studying
6. The baby _____ for hours.
A. has been crying
B. have been crying
C. had been crying
7. They _____ soccer in the park.
A. has been playing
B. have been playing
C. had been playing
8. Helena _____ for her exam all day.
A. has been studying
B. have been studying
C. had been studying
9. Rafina _____ emails since this morning.
A. has been writing
B. have been writing
C. had been writing
10. We _____ the house for hours.
A. has been cleaning
B. have been cleaning
C. had been cleaning
11. The dog _____ loudly all night.
A. has been barking
B. have been barking
C. had been barking
12. They _____ movies all weekend.
A. has been watching
B. have been watching
C. had been watching
13. Mrs. Wang _____ the piano for hours.
A. has been practicing
B. have been practicing
C. had been practicing
14. Mr. Antony_____ at the gym every day.
A. has been exercising
B. have been exercising
C. had been exercising
15. We _____ in the backyard.
A. has been gardening
B. have been gardening
C. had been gardening
16. The students _____ for their finals.
A. has been studying
B. have been studying
C. had been studying
17. They _____ the project for hours.
A. has been discussing
B. have been discussing
C. had been discussing
18. Mr. Samuel _____ the walls of his room.
A. has been painting
B. have been painting
C. had been painting
19. Celine _____ Spanish for the past year.
A. has been learning
B. have been learning
C. had been learning
20. We _____ around Europe.
A. has been traveling
B. have been traveling
C. had been traveling
Change this Present Perfect Continuous tense into positive, negative, or interrogative form!
(+) The students have been working on their projects.
(-) The students haven’t been working on their projects.
(?) Have the students been working on their projects?
21. (+) The workers have been building the bridge for months.
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) ________________________________________________
22. (+) ________________________________________________
(-) They haven’t been renovating their house.
(?) ________________________________________________
23. (+) ________________________________________________
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) Has Mr. Jack been fishing at the lake all day?
24. (+) She has been knitting a sweater for her baby.
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) ________________________________________________
25. (+) ________________________________________________
(-) We haven’t been volunteering at the shelter every weekend.
(?) ________________________________________________
26. (+) ________________________________________________
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) Have the children been playing in the garden?
27. (+) They have been hiking in the mountains.
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) ________________________________________________
28. (+) ________________________________________________
(-) He hasn’t been cooking dinner for his family.
(?) ________________________________________________
29. (+) ________________________________________________
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) Has Mrs. Eva been attending yoga classes regularly?
30. (+) We have been attending online workshops.
(-) ________________________________________________
(?) ________________________________________________
Change the sentence below into Present Perfect Continuous tense!
The students listens to the teacher’s explanation in the classroom.
>> The students have been listening to the teacher’s explanation in the classroom.
31. The students participate in a science fair.
>> ________________________________________________
32. They practice for the school play.
>> ________________________________________________
33. Mr. Sharma fixes the car in the garage.
>> ________________________________________________
34. Mr. Thomson redecorates his apartment.
>> ________________________________________________
35. We explore new recipes in the kitchen.
>> ________________________________________________
36. The team trains hard for the upcoming match.
>> ________________________________________________
37. They study for their driver's license.
>> ________________________________________________
38. Mike plays video games all afternoon.
>> ________________________________________________
39. Mrs. Elliot gardens in the backyard.
>> ________________________________________________
40. We attend language classes.
>> ________________________________________________
Make a question from this Present Perfect Continuous tense based on the bold word as an answer! You may use question word: What, Who, When, Where, or How.
Jack and Milea have been exploring a lot of countries in Europe.
(?) Who have been exploring a lot of countries in Europe?
41. The workers have been repairing the roof.
(?) ________________________________________________
42. The volunteers have been organizing a charity event.
(?) ________________________________________________
43. The college student has been studying for his certification exam.
(?) ________________________________________________
44. Evan has been running errands all morning.
(?) ________________________________________________
45. Mr. Edward and Mrs. Eva have been hosting guests from out of town.
(?) ________________________________________________
46. The children have been playing with their toys.
(?) ________________________________________________
47. The teenagers have been attending music concerts.
(?) ________________________________________________
48. Jhonatan has been attending therapy sessions.
(?) ________________________________________________
49. Renata has been working on her art project.
(?) ________________________________________________
50. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather outside.
(?) ________________________________________________
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