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40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Comparative Comparison Degree |
Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu comparative comparison degree?
Dalam bahasa Inggris, comparative comparison degree adalah tingkat perbandingan yang digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda atau orang yang berbeda dalam suatu kualitas. Biasanya, bentuk ini dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran -er pada kata sifat atau menggunakan more sebelum kata sifat yang lebih panjang. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan comparative comparison degree:
1. -er form
- She is taller than her brother.
- This book is shorter than that one.
- He is smarter than his classmate.
- The weather is colder than it was yesterday.
- This house is bigger than our old one.
2. more/less form
- This movie is more interesting than the book.
- He is more intelligent than most people.
- The new model is more efficient than the old one.
- Her dress is more beautiful than mine.
- This problem is more difficult than the last one.
- This job is less challenging than the previous one.
- His explanation was less clear than hers.
Sementara itu, untuk membentuk kalimat dalam comparative comparison degree dalam bahasa Inggris, ada beberapa aturan yang perlu diikuti tergantung pada panjang kata sifat dan bentuknya. Berikut adalah rumus umum dan contohnya:
Rumus 1: Sort Adjective (Kata Sifat Pendek)
Untuk kata sifat yang pendek (umumnya satu atau dua suku kata), tambahkan "-er" di akhir kata sifat dan gunakan "than" untuk membandingkan.
Rumus: \[ Kata sifat + -er + than \]
"tall" → "taller than"
- She is taller than her brother.
"fast" → "faster than"
- This car is faster than my old one.
"small" → "smaller than"
- This house is smaller than that one.
Rumus 2: Long Adjective (Kata Sifat Panjang)
Untuk kata sifat yang lebih panjang (umumnya tiga suku kata atau lebih), gunakan "more" atau "less" sebelum kata sifat dan "than" untuk membandingkan.
Rumus: [ more/less + kata sifat + than ]
"beautiful" → "more beautiful than"
- Her dress is more beautiful than mine.
"expensive" → "more expensive than"
- This car is more expensive than a motorcycle.
"interesting" → "more interesting than"
- This book is more interesting than that one.
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Perubahan Ejaan Khusus
1. Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan "e", cukup tambahkan "r".
"large" → "larger"
This room is larger than the other one.
2. Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan satu vokal diikuti satu konsonan, gandakan konsonan dan tambahkan "-er".
"big" → "bigger"
This dog is bigger than that one.
3. Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan "y", ubah "y" menjadi "i" dan tambahkan "-er".
"happy" → "happier"
- She is happier than before.
Contoh Kalimat dengan Berbagai Struktur
1. "She is older than her cousin."
2. "This test is easier than the previous one."
3. "He is more talented than his peers."
4. "The weather today is worse than yesterday."
5. "This movie is less exciting than the last one."
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Dengan memahami rumus-rumus di atas, Anda dapat dengan mudah membentuk kalimat perbandingan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang 40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Comparative Comparison Degree. Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Comparative Comparison Degree
Choose the best answer to complete the comparative comparison degree in this sentence!
1. She is _____ than her sister.
A. Tall
B. Taller
C. The tallest
2. This car is _____ than my old one.
A. The fastest
B. Fast
C. Faster
3. He is _____ than his friend.
A. Smarter
B. The smartest
C. Smart
4. The weather is _____ than last week.
A. The coldest
B. Cold
C. Colder
5. This house is _____ than that one.
A. Big
B. Bigger
C. The biggest
6. Her dress is _____ than mine.
A. Pretty
B. Prettier
C. The prettiest
7. The dog is _____ than the cat.
A. The friendliest
B. Friendlier
C. Friendly
8. The soup is _____ than I expected.
A. Hot
B. The hottest
C. Hotter
9. This test is _____ than the previous one.
A. The easiest
B. Easier
C. Easy
10. His idea is _____ than hers.
A. Good
B. Better
C. The best
11. The cake is _____ than the candy.
A. Sweeter
B. The sweetest
C. Sweet
12. She sings _____ than anyone I know.
A. Better
B. Good
C. The best
13. The child is _____ than most kids his age.
A. Taller
B. The tallest
C. Tall
14. His explanation was _____ than the first one.
A. Clear
B. Clearer
C. The clearest
15. The weather today is _____ than yesterday.
A. Warm
B. Warmer
C. The warmest
16. The test was _____ than I thought.
A. Easy
B. The easiest
C. Easier
17. This garden is _____ than the park.
A. The most beautiful
B. more beautiful
C. beautiful
18. The car is _____ than a motorcycle.
A. more expensive
B. the most expensive
C. expensive
19. Her smile is _____ than the sun.
A. Bright
B. The brightest
C. Brighter
20. The music is _____ than before.
A. Loud
B. Louder
C. The loudest
21. This chair is _____ than that one.
A. comfortable
B. more comfortable
C. the most comfortable
22. His performance was _____ than expected.
A. Better
B. Good
C. The best
23. The road is ______ than the previous one.
A. Longer
B. Long
C. The longest
24. The mountain is ______ than the hill.
A. Higher
B. High
C. The highest
25. His answer is _____ than hers.
A. Correct
B. The most correct
C. more correct
26. The lesson was _____ than usual.
A. The most boring
B. more boring
C. boring
27. This job is _____ than the last one.
A. challenging
B. the most challenging
C. more challenging
28. The flower is _____ than the others.
A. The most colorful
B. more colorful
C. colorful
29. His effort was _____ than her dedication.
A. The greatest
B. Great
C. Greater
30. The dessert is _____ than the appetizer.
A. more delicious
B. delicious
C. the most delicious
31. The game is _____ than watching TV.
A. The most fun
B. Fun
C. more fun
32. The task is _____ than I imagined.
A. Simple
B. Simpler
C. The simplest
33. The plan is _____ than we thought.
A. The most detailed
B. more detailed
C. detailed
34. The water is _____ than the air.
A. Cold
B. Colder
C. The coldest
35. Her laugh is _____ than a yawn.
A. The most contagious
B. More contagious
C. Contagious
36. The sky is _____ than yesterday.
A. Clearer
B. The clearest
C. Clear
37. The exam was _____ than the last one.
A. Tough
B. The thoughest
C. Tougher
38. His determination is _____ than steel.
A. Strong
B. Stronger
C. The strongest
39. The journey is _____ than we expected.
A. Longer
B. The longest
C. Long
40. The city is _____ than usual.
A. Busy
B. Busier
C. The busiest
41. Her eyes are _____ than the ocean.
A. Blue
B. The bluest
C. bluer
42. The dress is _____ than the other one.
A. more elegant
B. the most elegant
C. elegant
43. His handwriting is _____ than before.
A. Neat
B. Neater
C. The neatest
44. The project is _____ than it seems.
A. Important
B. The most important
C. more important
45. The child is _____than a cat.
A. The most curious
B. more curious
C. curious
46. The landscape is _____ than I imagined.
A. more picturesque
B. the most picturesque
C. picturesque
47. The answer is _____ than it looks.
A. Simple
B. The simplest
C. Simpler
48. The marathon was _____ than I expected.
A. more exhausting
B. the most exhausting
C. exhausting
49. The dog is _____ than any other pet.
A. The most loyal
B. more loyal
C. loyal
50. This movie is _____ than the book.
A. interesting
B. less interesting
C. the most interesting
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Demikian di atas artikel tentang 40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Comparative Comparison Degree. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )
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