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40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Superlative Comparison Degree |
Hi, sobat!
Tahukan kamu apa itu superlative comparison degree?
Superlative comparison degree adalah tingkat perbandingan yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu memiliki kualitas dalam derajat tertinggi di antara sekelompok orang atau benda. Dalam bahasa Inggris, superlative comparison degree dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran "-est" pada kata sifat pendek atau menggunakan "most" sebelum kata sifat panjang. Berikut adalah aturan dan contoh kalimatnya:
Selain itu, ada beberapa aturan umum pembentukan kalimat superlative comparison degree dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu sebagai beirkut.
1. Short Adjective (Kata Sifat Pendek)
- Tambahkan "-est" pada akhir kata sifat.
- Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan "e", tambahkan hanya "-st".
- Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan satu vokal diikuti satu konsonan, gandakan konsonan tersebut sebelum menambahkan "-est".
- Jika kata sifat berakhir dengan "y", ubah "y" menjadi "i" sebelum menambahkan "-est".
2. Long Adjective (Kata Sifat Panjang)
- Gunakan "most" atau "least" sebelum kata sifat.
Kemudian, berikut ini rumus pembentukan superlative comparison degree dalam bahasa Inggris dan contoh kalimat superlative comparison degree.
1. Short Adjective (Kata Sifat Pendek)
Rumus: [Subject + Verb/be + Adjective-est + in/on/of +Noun Phrase]
1. "small" → "the smallest"
This is the smallest room in the house.
2. "large" → "the largest"
She has the largest collection of stamps.
3. "big" → "the biggest"
This is the biggest apple I have ever seen.
4. "happy" → "the happiest"
She is the happiest person I know.
2. Long Adjective (Kata Sifat Panjang)
Rumus: [Subject + Verb/be + the most/least adjective + in/on/of +Noun Phrase]
1. "beautiful" → "the most beautiful"
She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
2. "expensive" → "the most expensive"
This is the most expensive car in the showroom.
3. "interesting" → "the most interesting"
That was the most interesting book I have read.
4. "important" → "the most important"
This is the most important decision of my life.
Sementara itu, ada perubahan ejaan khusus pada beberapa adjective dalam pembentukan superlative comparison degree dalam bahasa Inggris di antaranya yaitu:
1. Adjective (kata sifat) yang berakhir dengan "e".
"large" → "the largest"
This is the largest room in the house.
2. Kata sifat dengan satu vokal diikuti satu konsonan.
"big" → "the biggest"
He caught the biggest fish in the lake.
3. Kata sifat yang berakhir dengan "y".
"happy" → "the happiest"
She is the happiest when she is with her family.
Adapun contoh kalimat superlative comparison degree dalam bahasa Inggris beserta artinya yaitu:
1. She is the smartest student in the class.
2. This is the longest river in the country.
3. He is the fastest runner on the team.
4. That was the funniest joke I’ve ever heard.
5. This is the oldest building in the town.
6. She has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
7. This is the least expensive item in the store.
8. He is the most talented musician in the group.
9. That was the most difficult exam of my life.
10. This is the most interesting museum I have ever visited.
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Dengan memahami aturan dan rumus di atas, Anda dapat dengan mudah membentuk kalimat superlative comparison degree dalam bahasa Inggris.
40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Superlative Comparison Degree
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang 40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Superlative Comparison Degree . Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Choose the best answer for these questions and complete them according to superlative comparison degree!
1. She is _____ student in the class.
A. the smart
B. the more smart
C. the most smart
D. the smartest
2. This is _____ river in the country.
A. the most long
B. the longest
C. the more long
D. the long
3. He is ____ runner on the team.
A. the fast
B. the more fast
C. the fastest
D. the most fast
4. That was _____ joke I’ve ever heard.
A. the funny
B. the more funny
C. the most funny
D. the funniest
5. This is _____ building in the town.
A. the most old
B. the oldest
C. the old
D. the more old
6. She has _____ eyes I have ever seen.
A. the most beautiful
B. the beautifulest
C. the more beautiful
D. the beautiful
7. This is _____ item in the store.
A. the expensive
B. the more expensive
C. the most expensive
D. the expensivest
8. He is _____ musician in the group.
A. the talented
B. the more talented
C. the talentedest
D. the most talented
9. That was _____ exam of my life.
A. the most difficult
B. the more difficult
C. the difficultest
D. the difficult
10. This is _____ museum I have ever visited.
A. the interesting
B. the most interesting
C. the interestingest
D. the more interesting
11. She is _____ girl in her grade.
A. the tallest
B. the most tall
C. the tall
D. the more tall
12. This is _____ dog I have ever seen.
A. The more small
B. the smallest
C. the small
D. the most small
13. He is _____ person I know.
A. The happy
B. The more happy
C. the happiest
D. the most happy
14. That was ______ meal I've ever had.
A. the best
B. the most best
C. the better
D. the good
15. This is _____ movie I've ever watched.
A. The bad
B. The worse
C. The most bad
D. the worst
16. She is ______ employee in the company.
A. the most hardworking
B. the hardworkingest
C. the hardworking
D. the more hardworking
17. This is ______ chair in the house.
A. The comfortable
B. The more comfortable
C. The comfortablest
D. the most comfortable
18. He is _____ man in the city.
A. The rich
B. the richest
C. the most rich
D. the more rich
19. That is _____ dress in the store.
A. the prettiest
B. the pretty
C. the more pretty
D. the most pretty
20. This is ______ winter in years.
A. The most cold
B. the coldest
C. the cold
D. the more cold
21. She is ______ person I have ever met.
A. the kindest
B. the most kind
C. the more kind
D. the kind
22. This is ______ star in the sky.
A. The bright
B. The more bright
C. the brightest
D. the most bright
23. He is ______ player on the team.
A. the strongest
B. the strong
C. the most strong
D. the more strong
24. That is ______ mountain in the region.
A. The high
B. the highest
C. the most high
D. the more high
25. This is _____ car model available.
A. The more new
B. The most new
C. the newest
D. the new
26. She has _____ smile.
A. the sweetest
B. the sweet
C. the most sweet
D. the more sweet
27. This is _____ computer we have.
A. the fastest
B. the fast
C. the most fast
D. the more fast
28. He is _____ actor in Hollywood.
A. The more famous
B. the most famous
C. the famous
D. the famousest
29. That was ______ game of the season.
A. the most exciting
B. the more exciting
C. the exciting
D. the excitingest
30. This is _____ lake in the country.
A. the deepest
B. the deep
C. the most deep
D. the more deep
31. She is _____ artist in the gallery.
A. the most creative
B. the more creative
C. the creative
D. the creativest
32. This is _____ watch in the collection.
A. The expensive
B. The expensivest
C. the most expensive
D. the more expensive
33. He is _____ firefighter in the department.
A. the bravest
B. the most brave
C. the more brave
D. the brave
34. That is ______ cake I've ever tasted.
A. The delicious
B. The deliciousest
C. The more delicious
D. the most delicious
35. This is _____ place in town.
A. The more safe
B. The most safe
C. the safest
D. the safe
36. She is _____ girl in school.
A. The popular
B. the most popular
C. the more popular
D. the popularest
37. This is _____ desert in the world.
A. the driest
B. the dry
C. the most dry
D. the more dry
38. He is _____ doctor in the hospital.
A. The experiencedest
B. The experienced
C. The more experienced
D. the most experienced
39. That was _____ lecture I've ever attended.
A. the most boring
B. the boringest
C. the boring
D. the more boring
40. This is _____ view I've ever seen.
A. The amazing
B. the most amazing
C. the amazingest
D. the more amazing
41. She is _____ swimmer in the pool.
A. The more fast
B. the fastest
C. the most fast
D. the fast
42. This is _____ hotel in the city.
A. the most luxurious
B. the more luxurious
C. the luxuriousest
D. the luxurious
43. He is _____ friend I have.
A. The reliable
B. The more reliable
C. the most reliable
D. the reliablest
44. That was _____ experience of my life.
A. The painful
B. the most painful
C. the painfulest
D. the more painful
45. This is _____ housing option available.
A. the most affordable
B. the affordablest
C. the affordable
D. the more affordable
46. She has _____ singing voice.
A. The beautiful
B. the most beautiful
C. the beautifulest
D. the more beautiful
47. This is _____ piece of art in the exhibit.
A. the uniquest
B. more unique
C. the most unique
D. unique
48. He is _____ scientist in the lab.
A. more intelligent
B. the most intelligent
C. the intelligentest
D. intelligent
49. That was _____ moment of my life.
A. the most terrifying
B. the terrifyingest
C. more terrifying
D. terrifying
50. This is _____ job I've ever had.
A. rewarding
B. more rewarding
C. the rewardingest
D. the most rewarding
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Demkian di atas artikel tentang 40+ Soal Pilihan Ganda dan Essay Superlative Comparison Degree. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa Inggris. Teirma kasih. ; )
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