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40+ Soal Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap |
Hi, sobat!
What is present continuous tense?
Present Continuous Tense adalah sebuah bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada saat bicara atau dalam periode waktu yang sekarang berlangsung. Ini juga sering digunakan untuk menyatakan rencana atau tindakan yang akan terjadi di masa depan yang sudah direncanakan atau diatur sebelumnya.
Bentuk dasar dari Present Continuous Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Subject + is/am/are + verb-ing + (Object)
- "I am studying." (Saya sedang belajar.)
- "They are playing football." (Mereka sedang bermain sepak bola.)
- "She is writing a letter." (Dia sedang menulis surat.)
Di sini, "am," "is," dan "are" adalah bentuk dari kata kerja bantu "to be," yang bergantung pada subjek kalimat (I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, they are). Kemudian, kita memiliki kata kerja utama dalam bentuk "-ing" (disebut juga present participle).
Berikut adalah beberapa penggunaan Present Continuous Tense:
1. Tindakan yang Sedang Berlangsung Saat Ini: Digunakan untuk menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat bicara.
- "She is studying for her exam." (Dia sedang belajar untuk ujian nya.)
- "They are watching TV right now." (Mereka sedang menonton TV saat ini.)
2. Rencana atau Janji yang Akan Terjadi di Masa Depan: Kadang-kadang digunakan untuk menyatakan rencana atau janji yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya.
- "We are meeting our friends tonight." (Kami akan bertemu dengan teman-teman kami malam ini.)
- "She is visiting her grandparents next week." (Dia akan mengunjungi kakek-neneknya minggu depan.)
3. Perubahan atau Perkembangan yang Sedang Berlangsung: Digunakan untuk menyatakan perubahan atau perkembangan yang terjadi pada saat bicara.
- "The weather is getting warmer." (Cuaca sedang menjadi lebih hangat.)
- "His English is improving." (Bahasa Inggrisnya sedang membaik.)
4. Kejadian yang Sering Terjadi, Tetapi Tidak Tetap: Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sering terjadi tetapi tidak pada waktu yang tetap.
- "He is always forgetting his keys." (Dia selalu lupa kunci-kuncinya.)
- "They are often coming late to class." (Mereka sering datang terlambat ke kelas.)
Present Continuous Tense sering digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung atau untuk menyatakan rencana di masa depan yang telah diatur sebelumnya.
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40+ Soal Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artitel tentang "40+ Soal Present Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Choose the best answer to complete this sentence according to present continuous tense order!
1. I _____ a book.
A. is reading
B. are reading
C. am reading
2. They _____ soccer in the park.
A. is playing
B. are playing
C. am playing
3. He _____ for his exam.
A. is studying
B. are studying
C. am studying
4. She _____ dinner for her family.
A. is cooking
B. are cooking
C. am cooking
5. We ____ a movie at the cinema.
A. is watching
B. are watching
C. am watching
6. The children _____ in the garden.
A. Is playing
B. are playing
C. am playing
7. My family _____ a picnic by the lake.
A. Is having
B. are having
C. am having
8. I _____ on his project.
A. is working
B. are working
C. am working
9. She _____ on the phone with her friend.
A. is talking
B. are talking
C. am talking
10. We _____ to music in the car.
A. Is listening
B. are listening
C. are listening
11. The babies _____ in his crib.
A. is sleeping
B. are sleeping
C. am sleeping
12. They _____ at the party.
A. Is dancing
B. are dancing
C. am dancing
13. Hana _____ in the park.
A. is jogging
B. are jogging
C. am jogging
14. Mark _____ an email to her boss.
A. is typing
B. are typing
C. am typing
15. We _____ for the bus.
A. Is waiting
B. are waiting
C. am waiting
16. The chef _____ a delicious meal.
A. is cooking
B. are cooking
C. am cooking
17. They _____ at a joke.
A. Is laughing
B. are laughing
C. am laughing
18. I _____ the guitar in his room.
A. is practicing
B. are practicing
C. am practicing
19. I _____ a picture.
A. is painting
B. are painting
C. am painting
20. The students _____ for their exams together.
A. Is studying
B. are studying
C. am studying
Change this present continuous tense into positive, negative, or interrogative form!
(+) The tourist is enjoying the attraction.
(-) The tourist is not enjoying the attraction.
(?) Is the tourist enjoying the attraction?
21. ( +) The dog is chasing its tail.
(-) ______________________________
(?) ______________________________
22. (+) ______________________________
(-) They are not shopping for groceries at the supermarket.
(?) ______________________________
23. (+) ______________________________
(-) ______________________________
(?) Is John fixing the car in the garage?
24. (+) She is trying on clothes in the fitting room.
(-) ______________________________
(?) ______________________________
25. (+) ______________________________
(-) We are not enjoying a walk in the park.
(?) ______________________________
26. (+) ______________________________
(-) ______________________________
(?) Are the students writing an essay in class?
27. (+) They are playing video games on the couch.
(-) ______________________________
(?) ______________________________
28. (+) ______________________________
(-) He is not cleaning his room.
(?) ______________________________
29. (+) ______________________________
(-) ______________________________
(?) Is she watering the plants in the garden?
30. (+) ______________________________
(-) We are not cooking dinner together as a family.
(?) ______________________________
Change the sentence below into present continuous tense!
My father works in his office.
>> My father is working in his office.
31. The workers build a new house.
>> ______________________________
32. They have a barbecue in the backyard.
>> ______________________________
33. He studies English grammar.
>> ______________________________
34. My father drives to work.
>> ______________________________
35. We attend a concert downtown.
>> ______________________________
36. The baby crawls on the floor.
>> ______________________________
37. The chindren watch a movie at home.
>> ______________________________
38. Edward plays the piano.
>> ______________________________
39. Shania exercises at the gym.
>> ______________________________
40. We prepares for the party tonight.
>> ______________________________
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Make a question from this present continuous tense based on the bold word as an answer! You may use question word: What, Who, When, Where, or How.
The president is delivering his speech.
(?) Who is delivering his speech?
41. The birds are singing in the trees.
(?) ______________________________
42. They are having a meeting in the conference room.
(?) ______________________________
43. His uncle is reading a newspaper.
(?) ______________________________
44. Her grandma is knitting a sweater for her niece.
(?) ______________________________
45. Ann is planning her family’s vacation.
(?) ______________________________
46. The children are playing with their toys.
(?) ______________________________
47. Martha and Jocelyn are studying for their final exams.
(?) ______________________________
48. Mr. Ryan is teaching a class.
(?) ______________________________
49. She is surfing the internet on her laptop.
(?) ______________________________
50. We are enjoying a sunset on the beach.
(?) ______________________________
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