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40+ Soal Present Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap |
Hi, sobat!
What is present perfect tense?
Present Perfect Tense adalah sebuah bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang terjadi pada suatu titik waktu di masa lampau yang tidak spesifik, tetapi masih memiliki hubungan dengan waktu sekarang atau masih relevan dengan saat bicara. Tense ini sering digunakan untuk menyatakan pengalaman, hasil dari tindakan yang telah selesai, atau tindakan yang berlangsung dari masa lampau hingga sekarang.
Bentuk dasar dari Present Perfect Tense adalah sebagai berikut:
Subject + has/have + past participle + (Object)
Subject + has/have + been + (Noun/Adverb/Adjective)
- "I have studied." (Saya telah belajar.)
- "They have finished their homework." (Mereka telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah mereka.)
- "She has visited Paris." (Dia telah mengunjungi Paris.)
Di sini, "has" digunakan dengan subjek tunggal yang ketiga (he, she, it), sementara "have" digunakan dengan subjek ganda (I, you, we, they). Kemudian, kita memiliki kata kerja utama yang berbentuk past participle, yang seringkali merupakan bentuk lampau dari kata kerja (biasanya ditambah dengan "-ed" untuk kata kerja reguler, atau bentuk tak beraturan yang berbeda).
Berikut adalah beberapa penggunaan Present Perfect Tense:
1. Pengalaman dalam Hidup: Digunakan untuk menyatakan pengalaman yang telah dimiliki atau dilakukan dalam hidup seseorang.
- "I have visited Japan." (Saya telah mengunjungi Jepang.)
- "She has never flown in an airplane." (Dia belum pernah terbang dengan pesawat terbang.)
2. Tindakan yang Telah Selesai: Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu di masa lampau, tanpa memberikan detail spesifik tentang kapan tindakan itu terjadi.
- "He has finished his work." (Dia telah menyelesaikan pekerjaannya.)
- "They have already eaten dinner." (Mereka sudah makan malam.)
3. Tindakan yang Berlanjut dari Masa Lampau hingga Sekarang: Digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlanjut hingga saat bicara.
- "I have lived in this city for ten years." (Saya telah tinggal di kota ini selama sepuluh tahun.)
- "She has worked at the company since 2010." (Dia telah bekerja di perusahaan itu sejak 2010.)
4. Pengaruh Tindakan yang Terjadi di Masa Lampau: Digunakan untuk menyatakan pengaruh dari tindakan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan masih relevan dengan saat bicara.
- "I have lost my keys. Now I can't open the door." (Saya telah kehilangan kunci saya. Sekarang saya tidak bisa membuka pintu.)
- "He has read the book, so he knows the story." (Dia telah membaca bukunya, jadi dia tahu ceritanya.)
Present Perfect Tense digunakan secara luas dalam bahasa Inggris dan membantu dalam menyampaikan gagasan tentang hubungan antara masa lampau dan masa sekarang, serta memperjelas kesan tindakan yang telah selesai dan relevan dengan konteks pembicaraan.
40+ Soal Present Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap
Pada kesempatan ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang "40+ Soal Present Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap". Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
Choose the best answer to complete this sentence according to present perfect tense order!
1. Shofia _____ three books this week.
A. has read
B. have read
C. had read
2. They _____ several countries in Europe.
A. Has visited
B. have visited
C. had visited
3. Milana _____ her homework already.
A. has finished
B. have finished
C. had finished
4. Shasa _____ dinner for her family.
A. has cooked
B. have cooked
C. had cooked
5. We _____ a movie at the cinema.
A. Has watched
B. have watched
C. had watched
6. The cat _____ its food.
A. has eaten
B. have eaten
C. had eaten
7. They _____ a new car.
A. Has bought
B. have bought
C. had bought
8. Justin _____ how to play the guitar.
A. has learned
B. have learned
C. had learned
9. Grace _____ her grandparents.
A. has visited
B. have visited
C. had visited
10. We _____ the project.
A. Has completed
B. have completed
C. had completed
11. The sun _____ behind the mountains.
A. has set
B. have set
C. had set
12. The tourists _____ a trip to the beach.
A. Has taken
B. have taken
C. had taken
13. Mr. Jack _____ the leaking faucet.
A. has fixed
B. have fixed
C. had fixed
14. She _____ a letter to her friend.
A. has written
B. have written
C. had written
15. We _____ the house.
A. Has cleaned
B. have cleaned
C. had cleaned
16. The dog _____ a squirrel.
A. has chased
B. have chased
C. had chased
17. They _____ their exams.
A. Has finished
B. have finished
C. had finished
18. Mr. Takura _____ breakfast for his family.
A. has cooked
B. have cooked
C. had cooked
19. Erica _____ a competition.
A. has won
B. have won
C. had won
20. We _____ the museum.
A. Has visited
B. have visited
C. had visited
Change this present perfect tense into positive, negative, or interrogative form!
(+) The students have finished their projects.
(-) The students haven’t finished their projects.
(?) Have the students finished their projects?
21. (+) The students have completed their assignments.
(-) _________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________
22. (+) _________________________________________
(-) They have not explored the city.
(?) _________________________________________
23. (+) _________________________________________
(-) _________________________________________
(?) Has John graduated from university?
24. (+) She has sung a song at the concert.
(-) _________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________
25. (+) _________________________________________
(-) We have not celebrated his birthday.
(?) _________________________________________
26. (+) _________________________________________
(-) _________________________________________
(?) Have the plants grown tall?
27. (+) They have moved to a new house.
(-) _________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________
28. (+) _________________________________________
(-) He has not started a new job.
(?) _________________________________________
29. (+) _________________________________________
(-) _________________________________________
(?) Has she bought a new dress?
30. (+) We have attended a wedding.
(-) _________________________________________
(?) _________________________________________
Baca Juga:
Change the sentence below into present perfect tense!
The students cleans the classroom.
>> The students has cleaned the classroom.
31. The company launches a new product.
>> _________________________________________
32. They adopt a puppy.
>> _________________________________________
33. He runs a marathon.
>> _________________________________________
34. Shania bakes cookies for the party.
>> _________________________________________
35. We plant flowers in the garden.
>> _________________________________________
36. The children play in the park.
>> _________________________________________
37. They watch a play at the theater.
>> _________________________________________
38. He paints the walls of his room.
>> _________________________________________
39. Sam learns how to swim.
>> _________________________________________
40. We travel to different countries.
>> _________________________________________
Make a question from this present perfect tense based on the bold word as an answer! You may use question word: What, Who, When, Where, or How.
Joana has visited Eiffel Tower.
(?) What has Joana visited?
41. The X-team has won the championship.
(?) _________________________________________
42. They have had a picnic in the countryside.
(?) _________________________________________
43. Jack has fixed the broken computer.
(?) _________________________________________
44. She has read the newspaper every morning.
(?) _________________________________________
45. We have volunteered at the shelter.
(?) _________________________________________
46. The students have participated in a science fair.
(?) _________________________________________
47. They have attended a concert.
(?) _________________________________________
48. Hana has finished her training.
(?) _________________________________________
49. She has started her own business.
(?) _________________________________________
50. Martha and Mark have made memories together.
(?) _________________________________________
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Demikian di atas artikel tentang "40+ Soal Present Perfect Tense Pilihan Ganda & Essay Lengkap". Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat dijadikan bahan belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih. : )
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