Modals_TOEFL "Verb" Part 6 Writing Skill


    Tahukah kamu apa itu Verb? Ya, Verb, dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut sebagai verba, predikat, atau kata kerja, merupakan bagian dari part of speech yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan adanya suatu tindakan atau aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh pembicara. Selain itu, verb juga mengidentifikasi peristiwa atau keadaan yang terjadi pada kurun waktu tertentu. Dalam bahasa Inggris, bentuk verb selalu mengikuti tenses (pola waktu), seperti base form (verb 1), present participle (verb-ing), simple past (verb 2), dan past participle (verb 3).
    Sebagai predikat sebuah kalimat, verb umumnya terletak setelah subjek kalimat. Dalam beberapa kalimat, seperti kalimat negative dan tanya, verb di dahului dengan modal atau auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu), seperti is/am/are, was/were, has/have/had, do/does/did, dan sebagainya.  Sementara itu, verb juga dapat diikuti preposition (kata depan) sesudahnya, seperti to, is, at, with, dan lain-lain. Verb yang diikuti oleh preposisi ini, membentuk sebuah makna kata baru.
    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “Modals”.  Yuk, simak penjelasannya berikut ini!


    Modals, sering disebut juga modal auxiliary verb atau kata kerja bantu modal, merupakan kata yang ditempatkan sebelum main verb (kata kerja utama) untuk memodifikasi makna atau membentuk makna baru dari kata kerja utama tersebut. Modal auxiliary verb memiliki beberapa fungsi, diantaranya yaitu untuk mengekspresikan willingness (kemauan) atau ability (kemampuan), necessity (kebutuhan), dan possibility (kemungkinan). Contoh modal auxiliary verb yaitu can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, dan lain-lain.
    Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan terkait penggunaan modal dalam kalimat.
    1.      Setelah modal, gunakan simple/ base form of verb yaitu Verb-1. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.
    They can walk five miles without getting tired.
    They could walk five miles without getting tired.
    2.      Gunakan past participle setelah Modal + Have. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.
    Mr. and Mrs. Smith might have enjoyed the party.
    He should have sent in his application earlier.
    We should not have eaten such a big dinner.
    3.      Ketika kamu mengubah direct speech (kalimat langsung) menjadi reported/ indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung), modal seperti could, would, should, dan might tidak berubah. Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.
    Direct Speech: “You should always do your home- work.”
    Indirect Speech: The teacher said that I should always do my homework.
    Direct Speech: “I might ask her out.”
    Indirect Speech: He said that he might ask her out.

    4.      Gunakan Must Have + Past Participle (Verb-3) hanya untuk past conclusion (kesimpulan di masa lalu). Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.
    The ground is wet; it must have rained. (conclusion)
    5.      Gunakan Had + Infinitive (to Verb-1) untuk past obligation (kewajiban di masa lalu). Perhatikan contoh kalimat berikut ini.
    I had to go to the dentist yesterday. (obligation)
    Baca juga:

    Error Examples

    Perhatikan beberapa contoh kesalahan penggunaan modals pada kalimat berikut ini dan pembenarannya!

    Wrong Sentence

    Right Sentence

    Beth must to take the bus yesterday because her car was being repaired.

    Beth had to take the bus yesterday because her car was being repaired.

    We must to water our plants regularly.

    We must water our plants regularly.

    They could walked to school because it was close.

    They could walk to school because it was close.

    The show will have begin by the time we arrive.

    The show will have begun by the time we arrive.

    John said that he might have gone to Harvard next year.

    John said that he might go to Harvard next year.


    Skill Builder 6: Modals

    (___) 1. My brother has to walk ten miles to buy some gas last weekend.
    (___) 2. There is no one outside the theater; the performance must have been cancelled.
    (___) 3. They must to sign up for that class by this Friday.
    (___) 4. We would have went to Florida, but it was having an unusual cold spell.
    (___) 5. Mrs. Jones told me that she might have baked a cake for my birthday tomorrow if she has time.
    (___) 6. Susan said she might leave before dinner.
    (___) 7. They might go to the store a few minutes ago.
    (___) 8. When my baby got very ill, I must have called the doctor immediately.
    (___) 9. The boys should not had made so much noise.
    (___) 10. I will be very happy when I graduate this year.

    Key Answer & Its Correction

    (I) 1. My brother had to walk ten miles to buy some gas last weekend.
    (C) 2. There is no one outside the theater; the performance must have been cancelled.
    (I) 3. They must sign up for that class by this Friday.
    (I) 4. We would have gone to Florida, but it was having an unusual cold spell.
    (I) 5. Mrs. Jones told me that she might bake a cake for my birthday tomorrow if she has time.
    (C) 6. Susan said she might leave before dinner.
    (I) 7. They might have gone to the store a few minutes ago.
    (I) 8. When my baby got very ill, I had to call the doctor immediately.
    (I) 9. The boys should not have made so much noise.
    (C) 10. I will be very happy when I graduate this year.

    Next To: Problems With Verbals



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Modals”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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