Personal Pronoun_TOEFL "Pronoun" Part 2 Writing Skill


    Hi, sobat!
    Tahukah kamu apa itu pronoun? Pronoun (pronomina: bahasa Indonesia) merupakan kata yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) baik berupa orang, tempat, benda, ataupun sesuatu. Kata itu digunakan untuk mengindari pengulangan penyebuatan sebuah kata benda (noun), nama seseorang, tempat atau sesuatu hal. Pronoun berfungsi sebagai kata kanti (rujukan) noun dalam sebuah kalimat; yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek, objek, kepemilikan, dan sebagainya. Kemudian, pronoun dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam yaitu:

    Subject Pronoun

    Object Pronoun

    Possessive Adjective

    Possessive Pronoun

    Reflexive Pronoun















    My... + Noun

    Your book






    Mine house 














    Sementara itu, selain yang dicantumkan pada table di atas pronoun juga meliputi kata: who, whom, which, that, whose, dan sebagainya yang digunakan sebagai kata ganti subjek, objek, atau kepemilikan pada sebuah klausa kalimat.
    Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan membahas “relative pronoun”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!

    Personal Pronoun

    Personal pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang ditujukan untuk individu, baik orang, benda, ataupun hewan. Berikut ini ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatiikan dalam penggunaan personal pronoun antara lain:

    1.      Subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, and they) digunakan pada kedudukan subjek dan setelah verb (kata kerja) to be, seperti is, am, are, was, were, be, dan been.


    They arrived safely last night.

    It was they who knocked on the door last night.


    2.      Object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, and them) digunakan sebagai objects of verbs (objek kata kerja) dan prepositions (kata depan); dan sebagai subjects of infinitives (subjek infinitive).


    I told him the news. (after main verb)

    Between you and me, the economic situation looks bad. (after preposition)

    We asked him to bring a salad to the party. (before infinitive)

    Baca Juga:
    a.      Pronouns (kata ganti) pada apposition* sama dengan pronoun yang mereka ikuti.
    Let’s (Let us), you and me, go dancing Friday night.  (Us merupakan object dari verb “let”, maka pronoun “you dan me” juga harus dalam bentuk object pronoun.
    b.      Pronouns (kata ganti) setelah conjunction (kata hubung), seperti as atau than, harus berupa subject pronouns ketika mereka berfungsi sebagai subject.
    He is as tall as I (am tall).
    John plays soccer as well as he (plays soccer).
    They are more diligent students than we (are).
    c.       Bentuk yang benar dari reflexive pronouns untuk him dan them yaitu himself dan themselves; bukan hisself atau theirselves.


    *Appositive merupakan sebuah noun atau pronoun yang mengikuti noun atau pronoun lainnya dan mengidentifikasi noun atau pronoun yang pertama.
    Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Noun

    Error Examples

    Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan dalam penggunaan personal pronoun pada kalimat; serta, pembenarannya!



    Jane and him planned to go to the movies.

    Jane and he planned to go to the movies.

    She sold the car to Mary and he.

    She sold the car to Mary and him.

    I never met a man as kind as him.

    I never met a man as kind as he.

    For you and I arriving on time will be difficult.

    For you and me arriving on time will be difficult.

    He specifically told them, Bob and he, to get ready.

    He specifically told them, Bob and him, to get ready.

    Several times during the semester the teacher asked he to speak to the class.

    Several times during the semester the teacher asked him to speak to the class.

    Ask him to do it hisself.

    Ask him to do it himself.

    They do not want to go by theirselves.

    They do not want to go by themselves.


    Skill Builder 2: Personal Pronouns

    Directions: There is an error in the personal pronouns at some of the sentences below. Decide whether the sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).
    (___) 1. I was surprised to learn that Betty and him were hurt in the accident.
    (___) 2. I often remember when Paul and I visited Rome.
    (___) 3. He moved the furniture by hisself.
    (___) 4.  She gave us, Margaret and I, the notes we missed in class.
    (___) 5.  They were sitting by themselves next to the swimming pool.
    (___) 6.  That project is the responsibility of Susan and she.
    (___) 7.  Let us keep this secret between you and me.
    (___) 8.  Do not forget to give the message to Bob and me.
    (___) 9.  The tourists asked us, my cousin and me, how to get to the museum.
    (___) 10.  Please be sure to notify my husband or I when the package arrives.
    (___) 11.  The children assembled the toy house by theirselves.
    (___) 12.  How often do you have the opportunity to meet a man as intelligent as him?
    (___) 13.  For the majority of us the issue is rather confusing.
    (___) 14.  Mary will never be as rich as I.
    (___) 15. It is her, the one whom nobody likes.

    Key Answer

    1.      Incorrect

    2.      Correct

    3.      Incorrect

    4.      Incorrect

    5.      Correct

    6.      Incorrect

    7.      Correct

    8.      Correct

    9.      Correct

    10.  Incorrect

    11.  Incorrect

    12.  Incorrect

    13.  Correct

    14.  Correct

    15.  Incorrect


    Its Correction

    1.      I was surprised to learn that Betty and he were hurt in the accident.

    2.      I often remember when Paul and I visited Rome.

    3.      He moved the furniture by himself.

    4.      She gave us, Margaret and me, the notes we missed in class.

    5.      They were sitting by themselves next to the swimming pool.

    6.      That project is the responsibility of Susan and her.

    7.      Let us keep this secret between you and me.

    8.      Do not forget to give the message to Bob and me.

    9.      The tourists asked us, my cousin and me, how to get to the museum.

    10.  Please be sure to notify my husband or me when the package arrives.

    11.  The children assembled the toy house by themselves.

    12.  How often do you have the opportunity to meet a man as intelligent as he?

    13.  For the majority of us the issue is rather confusing.

    14.  Mary will never be as rich as I.

    15.  It is her, the one whom nobody likes.


    Next to >>> Problems With Who or Whom



    Peterson`s ( (2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
    Demikian tadi sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Problems With Personal Pronoun”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
    Penulis mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊


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