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40+ Multiple Choice Question Simple Past Future Tense: Penggunaan "Would dan Be Going To" Beserta Jawabannya |
Hi, sobat!
Apa keguanaan "would dan be going to" dalam bahasa Inggris?
Simple Past Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa depan yang akan terjadi setelah waktu tertentu di masa lalu. Ini menunjukkan tindakan atau kejadian yang direncanakan atau diperkirakan untuk terjadi di masa depan dari sudut pandang suatu titik waktu di masa lalu.
Sementara itu, simple past future tense berfungsi untuk:
Mengungkapkan rencana atau kegiatan yang direncanakan untuk masa depan dari sudut pandang masa lalu.
Menyatakan janji atau kesepakatan yang dibuat di masa lalu tentang suatu tindakan atau kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan.
Simple past future tense ditandai dengan penggunaan auxiliary verb atau kata kerja bantu: 1) would/should atau 2) was/were going to. Rumus simple past future tense yaitu sebagai berikut.
Nominal Sentence
- (+) Subject + would/should + be + adveb/noun/adjective.
- (-) Subject + would/should + not + be + adveb/noun/adjective.
- (?) Would/should + subject + be + adveb/noun/adjective?
Baca Juga:
Verbal Sentence
- (+) Subject + would/should + Verb1 (infinitive without "to").
- (-) Subject + would/should + not + Verb1 (infinitive without "to").
- (?) Would/should + subject + Verb1 (infinitive without "to")?
Dalam rumus di atas, kata would/should dapat digantikan dengan was/were going to. "was going to" digunakan untuk subjek: I, she, he, it, dan singular subject (subjek tunggal). Sedangkan "were going to" digunakan untuk subjek: You, They, We, dan plural subject (subjek jamak). Kemudian, dalam kalimat negatif, "would/should" dapat digabung dengan "not" menjadi "wouldn't/shouldn't".
Adapun contoh kalimat simple past future tense antara lain berikut ini:
Rencana di Masa Depan
She said she would visit her grandmother next weekend.
(Dia berkata dia akan mengunjungi neneknya akhir pekan mendatang.)
They promised they were going to buy a new car next month.
(Mereka berjanji mereka akan membeli mobil baru bulan depan.)
Janji di Masa Depan
He told me he should call me tonight.
(Dia memberi tahu saya dia akan menelepon saya malam ini.)
I said I was going to finish the report by tomorrow.
(Saya bilang saya akan menyelesaikan laporan itu besok.)
Baca Juga:
Dalam contoh-contoh di atas, frasa "would" digunakan untuk mengekspresikan tindakan atau kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan dari sudut pandang suatu titik waktu di masa lalu.
40+ Multiple Choice Question Simple Past Future Tense: Penggunaan "Would dan Be Going To" Beserta Jawabannya
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel tentang 40+ Multiple Choice Question Simple Past Future Tense: Penggunaan "Would dan Be Going To" Beserta Jawabannya. Yuk simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
"Would & Be Going To" Multiple-Choice Question: Positive Simple Past Future Tense Question
1. She ___ at the party the following night.
a) would sing
b) would sung
c) would singing
d) would sings
Jawaban: A
2. They ___ their grandparents the next weekend.
a) would visits
b) would visit
c) would visiting
d) would visited
Jawaban: B
3. He ___ for his exam that night.
a) would prepares
b) would prepared
c) would preparing
d) would prepare
Jawaban: D
4. She ___ dinner with her family the next day.
a) would had
b) would have
c) would has
d) would having
Jawaban: B
5. We ___ a movie at the cinema the following Friday.
a) would watches
b) would watching
c) would watch
d) would watched
Jawaban: C
6. They ___ the animal.
a) would feeds
b) would feeding
c) would feeded
d) would feed
Jawaban: D
7. He ___ at the gym regularly.
a) would exercise
b) would exercises
c) would exercised
d) would exercising
Jawaban: A
8. She ___ a yoga class on Saturdays.
a) would takes
b) would take
c) would took
d) would taking
Jawaban: B
9. We ___ picnics in the park.
a) would enjoys
b) would enjoyed
c) would enjoying
d) would enjoy
Jawaban: D
10. They ___ chess in the evenings.
a) would play
b) would plays
c) would played
d) would playing
Jawaban: A
11. He ___ as a software engineer.
a) was going to worked
b) was going to works
c) were going to work
d) were going to working
Jawaban: C
12. She ___ poems in her spare time.
a) was going to writes
b) was going to wrote
c) were going to writing
d) were going to write
Jawaban: D
13. We ___ the bus to school.
a) was going to took
b) was going to takes
c) were going to take
d) were going to taking
Jawaban: C
14. They ___ jogging in the park.
a) was going to go
b) was going to going
c) were going to goes
d) were going to go
Jawaban: D
15. He ___ cars for a living.
a) was going to fixed
b) was going to fixes
c) were going to fix
d) were going to fixing
Jawaban: C
"Would & Be Going To" Multiple-Choice Question: Negative Simple Past Future Tense Question
16. She ___ at the party the following night.
a) would not danced
b) would not dances
c) would not dancing
d) would not dance
Jawaban: D
17. They ___ their grandparents the next weekend.
a) would not visited
b) would not visits
c) would not visit
d) would not visiting
Jawaban: C
18. He ___ for his exam that night.
a) would not studying
b) would not study
c) would not studies
d) would not studied
Jawaban: B
19. She ___ dinner for her family the next day.
a) would not cook
b) would not cooking
c) would not cooked
d) would not cooks
Jawaban: A
20. We ___ a movie at the cinema the following Friday.
a) would not watch
b) would not watches
c) would not watched
d) would not watching
Jawaban: A
21. She ___ cookies for her friends.
a) wouldn’t bake
b) wouldn’t baked
c) wouldn’t bakes
d) wouldn’t baking
Jawaban: A
22. We ___ coffee in the morning.
a) wouldn’t drunk
b) wouldn’t drinks
c) wouldn’t drink
d) wouldn’t drinking
Jawaban: C
23. They ___ TV in the evening.
a) wouldn’t watches
b) wouldn’t watch
c) wouldn’t watched
d) wouldn’t watching
Jawaban: B
24. He ___ three languages fluently.
a) wouldn’t spoke
b) wouldn’t speaking
c) wouldn’t speaks
d) wouldn’t speak
Jawaban: D
25. She ___ meditation daily.
a) wouldn’t practiced
b) wouldn’t practices
c) wouldn’t practicing
d) wouldn’t practice
Jawaban: D
26. We ___ the farmers' market on Saturdays.
a) wasn’t going to visit
b) wasn’t going to visits
c) weren’t going to visited
d) weren’t going to visiting
Jawaban: A
27. They ___ in the pool during the summer.
a) wasn’t going to swims
b) wasn’t going to swim
c) weren’t going to swimming
d) weren’t going to swam
Jawaban: B
28. He ___ marathons for charity.
a) wasn’t going to running
b) wasn’t going to runs
c) weren’t going to run
d) weren’t going to ran
Jawaban: C
29. She ___ at the hospital.
a) wasn’t going to volunteers
b) wasn’t going to volunteer
c) weren’t going to volunteered
d) weren’t going to volunteering
Jawaban: B
30. We ___ church on Sundays.
a) wasn’t going to attend
b) wasn’t going to attending
c) weren’t going to attends
d) weren’t going to attended
Jawaban: A
"Would & Be Going To" Multiple-Choice Question: Interrogative Simple Past Future Tense Question
32. ___ she ___ at the party the following night?
a) would, attends
b) would, attend
c) would, attending
d) would, attended
Jawaban: B
32. ___ they ___ their grandparents the next weekend?
a) would, visit
b) would, visited
c) would, visits
d) would, visiting
Jawaban: A
33. ___ he ___ for his exam that night?
a) would, study
b) would, studies
c) would, studied
d) would, studying
Jawaban: A
34. ___ she ___ dinner for her family the next day?
a) would, cooks
b) would, cooked
c) would, cook
d) would, cooking
Jawaban: C
35. ___ we ___ a movie at the cinema the following Friday?
a) would, watches
b) would, watching
c) would, watched
d) would, watch
Jawaban: D
36. ___ she ___ at the party the following night?
a) would, not danced
b) would, not dances
c) would, not dance
d) would, not dancing
Jawaban: C
37. ___ they ___ their grandparents the next weekend?
a) would, not visits
b) would, not visit
c) would, not visiting
d) would, not visited
Jawaban: B
38. ___ he ___ for his exam that night?
a) would, not study
b) would, not studied
c) would, not studying
d) would, not studies
Jawaban: A
39. ___ she ___ dinner for her family the next day?
a) would, not cooked
b) would, not cook
c) would, not cooks
d) would, not cooking
Jawaban: B
40. ___ we ___ a movie at the cinema the following Friday?
a) would, not watches
b) would, not watched
c) would, not watching
d) would, not watch
Jawaban: D
41. ___ she ___ at the party the following night?
a) wouldn’t, dance
b) wouldn’t, dances
c) wouldn’t, danced
d) wouldn’t, dancing
Jawaban: A
42. ___ they ___ their grandparents the next weekend?
a) wouldn’t, visited
b) wouldn’t, visits
c) wouldn’t, visit
d) wouldn’t, visiting
Jawaban: C
43. ___ he ___ for his exam that night?
a) wouldn’t, studies
b) wouldn’t, studied
c) wouldn’t, studying
d) wouldn’t, study
Jawaban: D
44. ___ she ___ dinner for her family the next day?
a) wouldn’t, cooks
b) wouldn’t, cook
c) wouldn’t, cooking
d) wouldn’t, cooked
Jawaban: B
45. ___ you ___ the concert last night?
a) wouldn’t, attend
b) wouldn’t, attended
c) wouldn’t, attends
d) wouldn’t, attending
Jawaban: A
46. ___ they ___ video games on the weekends?
a) Were, going to played
b) Were, going to plays
c) Were, going to playing
d) Were, going to play
Jawaban: D
47. ___he ___ students after school?
a) Was, going to tutors
b) Was, going to tutor
c) Was, going to tutoring
d) Was, going to tutored
Jawaban: B
48. ___ she ___ in the garden on Saturdays?
a) Was, going to worked
b) Was, going to works
c) Was, going to work
d) Was, going to working
Jawaban: C
49. ___ we ___ camping in the mountains?
a) Were, going to go
b) Were, going to goes
c) Were, going to went
d) Were, going to going
Jawaban: A
50. ___ they ___ books in the library.
a) Were, going to read
b) Were, going to reads
c) Were, going to readed
d) Were, going to reading
Jawaban: A
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