Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu subject-verb
agreement? Ya, subject-verb agreement
secara bahasa diartikan “kesesuaian subjek dan predikat” dalam kalimat. Dalam
bahasa Inggris, subject-verb agreement merupakan ketentuan gramatika pada
subjek dan predikat dalam sebuah kalimat yang dipengaruhi oleh tense (pola
waktu), singular-plural subject (subjek tunggal-jamak), part of speech
(bagian-bagian penyusun kalimat), seperti adverb (kata keterangan), dan
Baca Juga: Part of Speech: Pengertian, Macam, Fungsi, dan Contohnya
Sebagai pembelajar EFL, kita harus
mengetahui subject-verb agreement agar kita mampu menyusun kalimat lisan atau
tertulis dengan padu, komunikatif, dan tidak ambigu (memiliki makna yang
kabur). Selain itu, agar kita mampu menguasai dan memahami materi-materi yang
berkaitan dengan subject-verb agreement di antaranya part of speech, tense,
singularity & plurality, affixation, dan lain-lain. Hal ini dikarenakan
dalam bahasa Inggris, sebuah kata dapat memiliki beberapa makna, dan fungsi
atau kedudukan berdasarkan konteks sebuah kalimat.
Pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan
membahas “Subject-Verb Agreement”. Yuk simak penjelasannya berikut ini!
Subject-verb agreement berkaiatan dengan
kesesuaian subjek dan predikat dalam sebuah kalimat. Hal dasar yang harus kita
pahami adalah bahwa:
Singular subjects diikuti
dengan singular verbs.
Plural subjects diikuti dengan plural
Baca Juga: Verb: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, Kedudukan, dan Contohnya
Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut
- The secretary in this office comes to work at eight.
- The secretaries in this office come to work at eight.
Namun beberapa permasalahan yang seringkali
kita temukan dalam subject-verb agreement pada sebuah kalimat di antaranya
sebagai berikut.
1. Subjek tidak pernah ditemukan prepositional
phrases. Perhatikan beberapa contoh kalimat berikut ini! (Subject +
Prepositional Phrase + Verb …)
- The price of all these items is twenty dollars.
- The characters in this story are well developed.
*Prepositional phrase merupakan frasa yang
didahului oleh preposition (kata depan), seperti of, in, to, with, on, dan
Baca Juga: Preposition: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, Kedudukan, dan Contohnya
2. Kata “here” dan “there” bukan subjek. Subjek
sebenarnya terletak sesudah verb pada kalimat tersebut. Perhatikan beberapa
contoh berikut ini!
- Here comes the bus. (Here/There + Verb + Subject)
- There are many good reasons to study language.
Baca Juga: Primary Vs Modal Auxiliary Verb
3. Subjek juga mengikuti verb pada pola
kalimat berikut ini. (Adverb + Verb + Subject)
- On the door was a wreath of flowers.
- Around the corner are several small shops.
Baca Juga: Adverb: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, Kedudukan, dan Contohnya
4. Ungkapan yang disertai dengan kata-kata
seperti along with, besides, like, as well as, and
including tidak mengubah
jumlah dari subjek. Perhatikan beberapa kalimat berikut ini!
- Mr. Jones, along
with his wife and six children, is going to Paris.
- The weather, as
well as economic conditions, is a consideration.
- Several candidates, including
John Baker, are going.
5. Ketika dua subjek digabungkan oleh
correlative conjunction seperti “either … or” atau “neither … nor”, subjek yang
lebih dekat dengan verb menentukan bentuk verb tersebut baik singular atau
plural verb. Perhatikan beberapa kalimat berikut ini!
- Neither Mary nor her sisters are going to the party.
- Either my sisters or my mother is going to the wedding.
Baca Juga: Conjunction: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, Kedudukan, dan Contohnya
6. Beberapa kata terlihat plural tetapi
sebenarnya singular. Kata-kata tersebut biasanya berkaitan dengan bidang ilmu
pengetahuan antara lain economics, mathematics, physics, news, dan
politics. Perhatikan beberapa kalimat berikut ini!
- The news was good.
- Mathematics is a challenging field.
Baca Juga: Noun: Pengertian, Jenis, Fungsi, Kedudukan, dan Contohnya
7. Subjek dari relative clause, who, which,
atau that, dapat berbentuk singular atau plural tergantung pada antecedent
(noun yang mendahuluinya). Perhatikan beberapa kalimat berikut ini!
- The students who come to class every day generally progress rapidly.
- Bob is one of my friends who is helping me paint my house.
- Bob is the only one of my friends who is helping me paint my house.
Baca Juga: Kinds of Clause:
Adjective Clause (Relative Pronoun)
Error Examples
Berikut ini terdapat beberapa kesalahan
“subject-verb agreement” pada kalimat; serta, pembenarannya!
His influence over the last ten years have grown
considerably. |
His influence over the last ten years has grown considerably. |
Over the fireplace hangs several
small paintings. |
Over the fireplace hang several
small paintings. |
Neither the moon nor the stars is
visible. |
Neither the moon nor the stars are
visible. |
A study of all possible causes of these multiple
fractures are in order. |
A study of all possible causes of these multiple
fractures is in order. |
There occurs to me a few possible explanations
for his behavior. |
There occur to me a few possible explanations
for his behavior. |
His furniture,
including a dining room table and six chairs, are
being sold. |
His furniture,
including a dining room table and six chairs, is
being sold. |
I asked all the students who
willing to help to meet me at the school. |
I asked all the students who
willing to help to meet me at the school. |
The college newspaper prints only the news that
of interest to the students and faculty. |
The college newspaper prints only the news that
of interest to the students and faculty. |
Either the students or the teacher were
mistaken. |
Either the students or the teacher was
mistaken. |
Skill Builder 10: Subject/Verb Agreement
Directions: There is an error in
subject-verb agreement at some of the sentences below. Decide whether the
sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).
(___) 1. There are several jobs available.
(___) 2. Along the beach was several small
boats that had been washed ashore.
(___) 3. Neither my sisters nor my brother
is ready to begin college.
(___) 4. The lack of logic in his arguments
never cease to surprise me.
(___) 5. She was determined to study
nuclear physics, which was the most
difficult course offered at that school.
(___) 6. Students who have difficulty with
this subject should try to find someone who is willing to tutor them.
(___) 7. Either her husband or her children
is going to be upset no matter what decision she makes.
(___) 8. Betty is one of the women who is
responsible for writing that.
(___) 9. My uncle, as well as my father,
are going to Canada on business.
(___) 10. The only one of his friends who
is upset with John is Bob.
Key Answer
Correct 2.
Incorrect 3.
Correct 4.
Incorrect 5.
Correct |
Correct 7.
Incorrect 8.
Incorrect 9.
Incorrect 10. Correct |
Its Correction
1. There are several jobs available.
2. Along the beach were several
small boats
that had been washed ashore.
3. Neither my sisters nor my brother is
ready to begin college.
4. The lack of logic in his arguments never ceases to surprise me.
5. She was determined to study nuclear
physics, which was the most difficult course offered at that school.
6. Students who have difficulty with this
subject should try to find someone who is willing to tutor them.
7. Either her husband or her children are
going to be upset no matter what decision she makes.
8. Betty is one of the women who are responsible
for writing that.
9. My uncle,
as well as my father, is going to Canada on business.
10. The only one of his friends who is
upset with John is Bob.
Next to >>> Style: Part of Speech
Peterson`s (www.petersons.com).
(2007). Peterson`s Master TOEFL Writing Skills. Peterson`s, a Nelnet Company
Demikian tadi
sekilas Pembahasan TOEFL Writing Skills terkait “Style: Subject-Verb
Agreement”. Semoga bermanfaat dan dapat menambah wawasan baru bagi kita
dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris; serta, terutama bagi kalian yang ingin atau
akan mengikuti tes TOEFL.
mengharapkan saran dan kritik yang membangun dari para pembaca berkaitan dengan
konteks atau isi tulisan sehingga nantinya hal tersebut dapat penulis jadikan
inspirasi dan motivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan tulisan
berikutnya. Terima kasih 😊
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