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45+ Soal Question Tag Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya |
Hi, sobat!
Tahukah kamu apa itu question tag? Ya, question tag atau dikenal juga dengan tag question merupakan suatu pertanyaan singkat yang biasanya ditambahkan pada akhir sebuah kalimat atau pernyataan. Question tag ini pada dasarnya berfungsi untuk meminta kejelasan atau meminta persetujuan terkait kebenaran suatu informasi kepada seseorang yang menjadi lawan bicara. Oleh karena itu, question tag seringkali disampaikan dengan adanya intonasi atau penekanan kata.
Question tag, dalam bahasa Indonesia, dapat diartikan “kan, bukan kan, iya kan, yuk, atau dong?”. Sebagai pertanyaan singkat, question tag diakhiri dengan question mark atau tanda tanya “?”. Selain itu, question tag sendiri terbentuk dari: “linking verb, auxiliary verb, atau modal + Subject?”. Adapun linking verb (be) yang digunakan dalam question taq, seperti is, am, are, was, dan were. Sedangkan auxiliary verb yang digunakan dalam tag question, seperti do, does, did, have, has, atau had. Kemudian, question taq juga disusun dengan modal auxiliary verb, seperti will, shall, can, dan lain-lain.
Question tag, berdasarkan struktur katanya, dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu 1) positive question tag, dan 2) negative question tag.
Positive Question Tag
Positive question tag merupakan salah satu jenis question tag yang dibentuk dari: “linking verb, auxiliary verb, atau modal + Subject?”. Positive question tag ini umumnya menyertai negative statement atau pernyataan negatif. Sementara itu, subject pada positive question tag biasanya berupa subject pronoun atau kata ganti subject seperti I, you, they, we, he, she, atau it.
Adapun pola kalimat positive question tag adalah sebagai berikut.
Negative Statement, + Positive Question Tag?
Contoh positive question tag dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris yaitu sebagai berikut.
- English isn’t one of the easiest languages to learn, is it?
- Mr. Edo can’t play the piano well, can he?
- They don’t make a lot of beautiful arts, do they?
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Negative Question Tag
Negative question tag merupakan salah satu jenis question tag yang dibentuk dari: “linking verb, auxiliary verb, atau modal + not + Subject?”. Negative question tag ini umumnya menyertai positive statement atau pernyataan positif. Sementara itu, subject pada positive question tag biasanya berupa subject pronoun atau kata ganti subject seperti I, you, they, we, he, she, atau it.
Adapun pola kalimat negative question tag adalah sebagai berikut.
Positive Statement, + Negative Question Tag?
Contoh positive question tag dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris yaitu sebagai berikut.
- English is one of the easiest languages to learn, isn’t it?
- Mr. Edo can play the piano well, can’t he?
- They make a lot of beautiful arts, don’t they?
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Pada kesempatan kali ini, kami akan menyajikan artikel terkait 35+ soal question tag dalam bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya. Yuk, simak selengkapnya berikut ini!
45+ Soal Question Tag Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya
Soal Pilihan Ganda Question Tag
Berikut ini contoh soal pilihan ganda positive question tag dan negative question tag dalam bahasa Inggris. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini dengan jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memperhatikan jenis tense yang digunakan pada kalimat!
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence with the suitable question tag!
1. The library in our school is full of academic book, _____?
a. Is it
b. Isn’t it
c. Are it
d. Aren’t it
e. Was it
Jawaban: B
2. The students come to school on time, _____?
a. Does they
b. Doesn’t they
c. Do they
d. Don’t they
e. Did they
Jawaban: D
3. We have to remember the formula to answer the Math question, _____?
a. Do we
b. Don’t we
c. Have we
d. Haven’t we
e. Did we
Jawaban: B
4. The plant needs some water, _____?
a. Does it
b. Doesn’t it
c. Do it
d. Don’t it
e. Didn’t it
Jawaban: B
5. Rina is presenting her project in front of the class, _____?
a. Are she
b. Aren’t she
c. Was she
d. Wasn’t she
e. Isn’t she
Jawaban: E
6. Jack can speak Japanese fluently, _____?
a. Doesn’t he
b. Can he
c. Can’t he
d. Could he
e. Couldn’t he
Jawaban: C
7. Dinda and Gea really love music lesson, _____?
a. Have they
b. Haven’t they
c. Do they
d. Don’t they
e. Will they
Jawaban: D
8. Raisa will sing her new song on the concert tomorrow, _____?
a. Will she
b. Won’t she
c. Can she
d. Can’t she
e. Would she
Jawaban: B
9. Mrs. Viola had instructed us to make a documentary film a couple of week ago, _____?
a. Have she
b. Haven’t she
c. Had she
d. Hadn’t she
e. Has she
Jawaban: D
10. Mr. Park and Mr. Jimmy have been acting for ten years in action movie, _____?
a. Have they
b. Haven’t they
c. Has they
d. Hasn’t they
e. Had they
Jawaban: B
11. Mark visited Bali last month, _____?
a. Did they
b. Didn’t they
c. Do they
d. Don’t they
e. Were they
Jawaban: B
12. You were joining the basketball competition a couple month ago, _____?
a. Did you
b. Didn’t you
c. Were you
d. Weren’t you
e. Are you
Jawaban: D
13. You had finished reading a novel last week, _____?
a. Have you
b. Had you
c. Hadn’t you
d. Did you
e. Didn’t you
Jawaban: C
14. Playing mobile phone can’t affect the children mind growth, _____?
a. Can it
b. Can’t it
c. Could it
d. Couldn’t it
e. Will it
Jawaban: A
15. Some of teenagers don’t play social media apps for some reasons, _____?
a. Are they
b. Aren’t they
c. Do they
d. Don’t they
e. Have they
Jawaban: C
16. The advertisement on television will not cause the rise of consumerism, _____?
a. Will it
b. Won’t it
c. Would it
d. Wouldn’t it
e. Should it
Jawaban: A
17. John didn’t participate in the story telling contest due to lack of preparation, _____?
a. Were he
b. Weren’t he
c. Did he
d. Didn’t he
e. Had he
Jawaban: C
18. The doctor doesn’t tell the diagnose yet to the patient, _____?
a. Does he
b. Doesn’t he
c. Did he
d. Didn’t he
e. Is he
Jawaban: A
19. The students haven’t completed his English task, _____?
a. Has he
b. Hasn’t he
c. Have they
d. Haven’t they
e. Had they
Jawaban: C
20. They weren’t paying attention to the key note speaker in the seminar, _____?
a. Were they
b. Weren’t they
c. Are they
d. Aren’t they
e. Did they
Jawaban: A
21. He can’t catch what Mrs. Erika is talking about, _____?
a. Can he
b. Can’t he
c. Could he
d. Couldn’t he
e. Can she
Jawaban: A
22. Mr. Edward will not go to Canada for a business this month, _____?
a. Would he
b. Wouldn’t he
c. Will he
d. Won’t he
e. Does he
Jawaban: C
23. The victims of landslide haven’t been overcome by the government because of the bad weather, _____?
a. Have they
b. Haven’t they
c. Has they
d. Hasn’t they
e. Had they
Jawaban: A
24. Mr. Gary and his family couldn’t travel to Australia since the Covid-19 pandemic happened, _____?
a. Can they
b. Can’t they
c. Could they
d. Couldn’t they
e. Will they
Jawaban: C
25. The room isn’t renovated because he has no enough fund, _____?
a. Is it
b. Isn’t it
c. Was it
d. Wasn’t it
e. Has it
Jawaban: A
Soal Essay Question Tag
Berikut ini contoh soal essay positive question tag dan soal essay negative question tag dalam bahasa Inggris. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini dengan jawaban yang paling tepat dengan memperhatikan jenis tense yang digunakan pada kalimat!
Complete the sentence using an appropriate question tag!
26. The class will be started at 07.00 AM, _____?
Jawaban: won't it
27. We cannot skip the breakfast in the morning because it is important for our health, _____?
Jawaban: can we
28. They were punished because of not submitting their homework, _____?
Jawaban: weren't they
29. The farmer is busy in the wet season, _____?
Jawaban: isn't he
30. Indonesia is surrounded by the sea, _____?
Jawaban: isn't it
31. Mark won’t tell her the secret, _____?
Jawaban: will he
32. Jessica wasn’t an actress in Hollywood, _____?
Jawaban: was she
33. Many parents sent their children to the private school, _____?
Jawaban: didn't they
34. Learning foreign language can improve your ability to communicate, _____?
Jawaban: can't it
35. We didn’t know the news, _____?
Jawaban: did we
36. The athlete hasn’t finished the game, _____?
Jawaban: has he
37. The weather is hot today, _____?
Jawaban: isn't it
38. The bus was full of the passengers, _____?
Jawaban: wasn't it
39. The car wasn’t fixed, _____?
Jawaban: was it
40. We’ll move to Bandung this year, _____?
Jawaban: won't we
41. There isn’t enough time to wait her, _____?
Jawaban: is there
42. Everyone should keep their words, _____?
Jawaban: shouldn't they
43. It was an expensive motorcycle I had, _____?
Jawaban: wasn't it
44. Nothing should be worried about, _____?
Jawaban: should it
45. Turn on the fan, _____?
Jawaban: will you
46. Take your shoes off, _____?
Jawaban: will you
47. Don’t waste your time, _____?
Jawaban: will you
48. He never gives up on his recent situation, _____?
Jawaban: does he
49. Shania can draw the scenery realistically, _____?
Jawaban: can't she
50. We have to join the competition, _____?
Jawaban: don't we
For Your Information!!!
Ada beberapa ketentuan pembentukan question taq yang perlu diperhatikan di antaranya sebagai berikut.
a. Jika kalimatnya mengandung sebuah kata dengan arti negatif, seperti nobody, no one, seldom, nothing, hardly, barely, atau rarely, maka gunakan question tag positif. Contoh:
- No one understands my problem, do they? [Tak ada seorang pun yang memahami masalahku, kan?]
- Arika never talks to his friends, does she? [Arika tak pernah berbicara dengan teman-temannya, kan?]
b. Jika subjeknya everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, no one dan nobody, maka gunakan “they” dalam question tag. Contoh:
- Somebody performed the dance last night, didn’t they? [Seseorang tampil menari tadi malam, kan?]
- Everybody does the exercise at the morning, didn’t they? [Setiap orang berolahraga di pagi hari, kan?]
c. Jika subjeknya everything, something, dan nothing, ataupun uncountable noun (kata benda yang tidak bisa dihitung) maka gunakan “it” dalam question tagnya. Contoh:
- Everything should be well-prepared, shouldn’t it? [Semua seharusnya sudah disiapkan dengan baik, kan?]
- Nothing is true, is it? [tak ada yang benar, kan?]
d. Jika kalimatnya berupa perintah (Imperative: Verb 1 ...!) atau larangan (Prohibition: Don’t verb 1 ...!), gunakan “will you” untuk question tag-nya. Contoh:
- Open the door, will you? [Buka pintu, ya?]
- Don’t be angry with him, will you? [Jangan marah padanya, ya?]
e. Jika kalimatnya dimulai dengan “let’s”, maka question tag-nya adalah “shall we”. Contoh:
- Let’s do it, shall we? [Mari melakukan hal itu, yuk?]
- Let’s prepare for it, shall we? [Mari mempersiapkan itu, yuk?]
f. Jika subjeknya berupa demonstrative pronoun “this” atau “that”, maka gunakan “it” pada question tagnya. Sedangkan “these” atau “those” menggunakan “they” pada question tagnya. Contoh:
- This is a horrible thing, isn’t it? [Ini merupakan suatu hal yang menakutkan, kan?
- That was awesome, wasn’t it? [Itu luar biasa, kan?]
- These are inspiring books, aren’t they? [Ini merupakan buku-buku yang menginspirasi, kan?]
- Those were hard to do, were they? [Itu sulit untuk dilakukan, kan?]
g. Jika subjeknya berupa kata “there” maka question tagnya tetap menggunakan “there”. Contoh:
- There is a beautiful place, isn’t there? [Ada sebuah tempat yang indah, kan?]
- There are a lot of friendly people around you, aren’t there? [Ada banyak orang ramah di sekelilingmu, kan?]
h. Jika kalimatnya terdiri dari “a few/ a little” maka tag negative. Dan jika tanpa a tetapi “few/little” maka tag positive. Contoh:
- A few children get many experiences, don’t they? (Sedikit anak mendapat banyak pengalaman, iya kan?)
- I need little milk today, do I? (Saya membutuhkan sedikit susu hari ini, iya kan?)
i. Jika terdapat kata “only” bisa menggunakan question tag positive ataupun negative. Contoh:
- I only know her name, don’t I/ do I? [Saya hanya tahu namanya, kan?]
- We only remember the address, don’t we/ do we? [Kita hanya ingat alamat itu, kan?]
j. Jika kalimat berupa if clause (kalimat pengandaian), maka question tag diambil dari main clause (klausa utama) itu sendiri. Contoh:
- She would had passed the exam if she had studied hard, wouldn’t she? [Dia akan sudah lulus ujian itu seandainya dia belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh, iya kan?]
k. Jika terdapat lebih dari satu auxiliary verb (kata bantu), maka question tagnya diambil dari auxiliary verb yang pertama. Contoh :
- We’d have cleaned our class, wouldn’t we? (Kita akan sudah membersikan kelas kita, iya kan ?)
*We’d have merupakan bentuk dari we would have; auxiliary verb 1 “would” dan auxiliary verb 2 “have”.
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Demikian di atas artikel terkait 45+ soal pilihan ganda dan essay positive question tag dan negative question tag lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan menjadi sumber rujukan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih : )
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